Pushback-Racks.com in owned and operated by a group of professionals that have been in the material handling industry for over 22 years. We specialize in offering great condition “Used” Pushback Racks for less money than new! We comb the country looking for good quality used Pushback racks so that we can offer our customers a wide selection. Our Pushback racks either look like new when we purchase them or we will refurbish them to make them look like new. We also offer new for those rare occasions when we don’t have exactly what you need in used.
What sets us apart from our competition!
You will NEVER be unsatisfied with the condition of our pushback rack material. Unlike others in our industry we do not represent that we own the material if we don’t. Whether our Pushback racks are in one of our warehouses, or at a location where we are tearing them out, we always offer our clients the option to physically come and see the material. Beware of those suppliers that don’t! We offer the largest selection of Used Pushback Racks in the nation. This includes 2 to 6 deep configurations to build complete systems of all heights.
Advantages of working with Pushback-Racks.com
- Thousands of Pallet Positions of all configurations of Pushback Racks In-Stock!
- Are used material is of the highest quality/condition!
- We can also supply New Material if necessary.
Layout and Design:
Let one of our trained professionals help you with your layout and design options. This service is FREE! Call us and explain what your storage requirements are and we will help you design just the right system to fit your specific application. You can gain up to 65% in additional pallet positions in some cases.